Monday, February 14, 2011

How to re-use these? [bits of tyvek, peel & stick wax paper]


How would you re-use odd bits and
pieces of Tyvek?
Or the waxy paper backing for
peel and stick membrane?  


  1. Tyvek is very strong, rip resistant and water repellent. Could you make shopping bags?

  2. would be good as parcel wrapping paper.

    i don't know much about this - but could the tyvek be used as a landscape fabric to keep weeds from growing in a certain area? cover it with bark or rocks.

  3. Tyvek would not work as a landscape cover because it does not allow the moisture (water) to reach the soil.
    I like the idea of wrapping paper. If kids painted or crayoned the Tyvek, it could be reused as gift wrap.

  4. You will need the cooperation of your installation crew for this suggestion.
    When you reach the drywall stage, figure out what lengths or combination of material are best suited to each area. Find places where offcuts can be used, such as under/over windows, in closets, around bump-outs, etc. You may have to design an installation guide and educate the crew, in order to reduce waste.

  5. I had a friend at school with a messenger bag made of Tyvek. Worked great and was definitely unique.

  6. i meant landscape fabric where you didn't want anything to grow, like that little strip between alley garages.

    1. Yes, I understand that question as well, of course your not talking about, growing anything with tyvek but to prevent weeds and grass from growing and maybe some rocks in top? I thinking about doing that with my extra tyvek instead of buying landscaping fabric

  7. I also knew of someone who made a purse out of Tyvek. And a wallet, but it was equal parts Tuc tape and Tyvek.

    What about this:

    or this:

  8. With some wax papers you can boil off the wax in order to reuse the wax (for crayons or candles) and recycle the paper pulp.

  9. Thanks everyone for all the ideas! Looks like crafting is in the future ;-)
